PS/Baekjoon Online Judge

[백준 21633] Bank Transfer [Python]

kimyoungrok 2023. 7. 4. 05:27

백준 21633 - 문제
백준 21633 - 입/출력


이체할 돈의 액수에 따라 수수료가 얼마인지 계산해주는 문제다.

수수료는 돈의 액수(k)의 1%에 25 tugriks 을 더한 값이다.

단, 최소 100 tugriks 최대 2,000 tugriks라는 점에 유의하자.


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21633번: Bank Transfer

Tanya has an account in "Redgotts" bank. The bank has the commission to transfer money to "Bluegotts" bank that her friend Vanya has the account in. Tanya has read her bank rules and learned the following: The commission for the bank transfer is $25$ tugri