"꾸준하고 완벽한 한 걸음"

PS/Baekjoon Online Judge

[백준 09443] Arrangement of Contest [Java]

kimyoungrok 2024. 10. 23. 00:20


Little Dmitry and little Petr want to arrange a contest. Their little friends submitted several task proposals and now Dmitry and Petr want to select some of them for the contest. As they are just little boys, they cannot estimate quality of tasks, but they know for sure that in good contest title of the first problem starts with A, the title of the second one — with B, and so on.

Given titles of the proposed tasks, help little brothers to determine the maximal number of problems in a good contest they can arrange.


The first line contains single integer n — the number of problem proposals received by the little brothers (1 ≤ n ≤ 100).

Next n lines contain titles of proposed problems, one per line. The length of each title does not exceed 30 characters. Each title starts with an uppercase letter and contains only English letters, digits and underscores.


Output a single number — the maximal number of problems in a good contest. In case there is no good contest that may be arranged, output 0.


N개의 영어 대문자로 시작하는 대회명에 대해 A부터 Z까지 최대 연속 몇개의 대회가 존재하는지 갯수를 출력하면된다.

입력 받은 대회명의 첫글자를 인덱싱하여 대회 수를 세어주자.

A부터 Z까지 대회목록이 존재하는지 순차적으로 확인해야 하는데, 만약 없다면 ( cnt == 0 ) 유효한 대회 갯수와 같은 인덱스를 출력하면 된다.




